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This Domain Severs for Suppler Managament Requests.

New Supplier Number

POSTRetrieves the details of a specific customer from the database based on the provided customer ID. If the customer is found, it returns the customer's details; otherwise, it returns a message indicating that no data was found.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be customer Required
stringaction Value should be new-supplier-no Required
objectdata Empty object Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "supplier",
                action: "new-supplier-no",
                "data": {}
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
stringdata newly generated supplier number.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: {
                    status: "success",
                    message: "New Supplier No Created",
                    data: "S05240003"