Get Calculations
This domain serves for requests to get quote calculations.
Get Calculations
POSTRetrieves the details of a specific customer from the database based on the provided customer ID. If the customer is found, it returns the customer's details; otherwise, it returns a message indicating that no data was found.
Request Paramters
string domain |
Value should be customer |
Required |
string action |
Value should be read |
Required |
object data |
Contains input parameters. | Required |
int customer_id |
ID of the customer to be retrieved. | Required |
Sample Request Body
domain: "customer",
action: "read",
data: {
customer_id: 75
Response Paramters
string status |
This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value. |
string message |
This explains the reson for status. |
object data |
This contain result data object of the API call. |
int id |
The unique identifier for the customer record. |
string customer_no |
The customer number associated with the customer. |
string c_contact_name |
The contact name of the customer. |
string c_name_1 |
The first part of the customer name. |
string c_name_2 |
The second part of the customer name. |
string c_address_1 |
The first line of the customer's address. |
string c_address_2 |
The second line of the customer's address. |
string c_suburb |
The suburb of the customer's address. |
string c_postcode |
The postcode of the customer's address. |
string c_email |
The email address of the customer. |
string c_phone |
The phone number of the customer. |
string c_mobile |
The mobile number of the customer. |
int c_discount |
The discount percentage for the customer. |
string c_method |
The method of interaction with the customer (e.g., online, offline). |
string c_notes |
Any notes related to the customer. |
string created_date |
The date and time when the customer record was created. |
string last_updated_by |
The name of the user who last updated the customer record. |
string last_updated_date |
The date and time when the customer record was last updated. |
string submitted_by |
The name of the user who submitted the customer record. |
int user_id |
The user ID associated with the customer record. |
Sample Response
status: "success",
data: {
id: 75,
customer_no: "C240048",
c_contact_name: "John Doe",
c_name_1: "TEST ABC",
c_name_2: "Department XYZ",
c_address_1: "123 Main Street",
c_address_2: "Apt 456",
c_suburb: "Anytown",
c_postcode: "12345",
c_email: "",
c_phone: "123-456-7890",
c_mobile: "987-654-3210",
c_discount: 0,
c_method: "online",
c_notes: "Some notes about the customer",
created_date: "2024-05-30 12:34:56",
last_updated_by: "Admin",
last_updated_date: "2024-05-30 12:34:56",
submitted_by: "Admin",
user_id: 69