Empoweing blinds industry

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This doamin serves fo quotations related requests.

Get Main Calculations

POSTRetrieves a list of main calculations along with their details.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be quotations Required
stringaction Value should be maincal Required
objectdata Empty Object. Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "quotations",
                action: "maincal",
                "data": {}
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This contain list of result data objects of the API call.
stringcode The unique code associated with the item.
stringname The name of the item.
stringfolder The folder where the item is categorized.
stringtotal_column The name of the column representing the total price.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: {
                    status: "success",
                    message: "Main calculations Read",
                    data: [
                            code: "582fffc680330",
                            name: "Price Grids",
                            folder: "window-price-sheet-calculation",
                            total_column: "price"

Get Calculation

POSTThis API call give details of spacipic calculationThis function retrieves various calculations related to a quotation based on the provided quote number.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be quotations Required
stringaction Value should be get_calculation Required
objectdata Contains input parameters. Required
stringquote_no The quote number for which calculations are to be retrieved. Required
Sample Request Body
                "domain": "quotations",
                "action": "get_calculation",
                "data": {
                    "quote_no": "Q05240053"
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This contain list of result data objects of the API call.
floatmain_prices The total price of all calculations.
floattotal_fitting_charge The total fitting charge price.
stringrecords The records associated with the quotation.
stringdiscount_1 The first discount applied.
floatdiscount_2 The second discount applied.
stringextras Any additional extras.
floatdeposit The deposit amount.
floatcalc_acc_price The total accessory price calculation.
floatcalc_fit_cha_price The total fitting charge price calculation.
floatcalc_per_met_price The total per meter price calculation.
floattotal_1 The total after initial calculations.
floatextras_amount The amount calculated for extras.
floatsub_total The subtotal after extras.
stringtax_name The name of the tax applied.
floattax The calculated tax amount.
floattotal_2 The total after tax.
floatdiscount_1_val The value of the first discount applied.
floatgrand_total The grand total after discounts.
floatbalance The remaining balance after deposit.
arraycalculations An array containing names of various calculations performed.
arraythe_calculation_names An array containing names of specific calculations.
arraythe_calculations An array containing details of specific calculations.
Sample Response
                "status": "success",
                "data": {
                    "status": "success",
                    "message": "Calculation Read",
                    "data": {
                        "main_prices": 3199.76,
                        "total_fitting_charge": 0,
                        "records": "",
                        "discount_1": "0",
                        "discount_2": 0,
                        "extras": "0",
                        "deposit": 0,
                        "calc_acc_price": 0,
                        "calc_fit_cha_price": 0,
                        "calc_per_met_price": 0,
                        "total_1": 3199.76,
                        "extras_amount": 0,
                        "sub_total": 3199.76,
                        "tax_name": "GST",
                        "tax": 319.98,
                        "total_2": 3519.7400000000002,
                        "discount_1_val": 0,
                        "grand_total": 3519.7400000000002,
                        "balance": 3519.7400000000002,
                        "calculations": [
                        "the_calculation_names": [
                            "Roofing System",
                            "Retrofit Double Glazing",
                            "350 - Panel Glides",
                            "245 - 50mm Pure Wood",
                            "Dual Blinds 1",
                        "the_calculations": [
                                "code": "584f4f914be7e",
                                "name": "Rollers",
                                "pro_count": "4"
                                "code": "6094e93d50c68",
                                "name": "Roofing System",
                                "pro_count": "1"
                                "code": "6509024c16bef",
                                "name": "Retrofit Double Glazing",
                                "pro_count": "2"
                                "code": "583eb22d8d69f",
                                "name": "Pelmets",
                                "pro_count": "2"
                                "code": "613ed6d61d4a9",
                                "name": "Curtains",
                                "pro_count": "1"
                                "code": "5ceba39caf950",
                                "name": "350 - Panel Glides",
                                "pro_count": "1"
                                "code": "5cee2003a80cf",
                                "name": "245 - 50mm Pure Wood",
                                "pro_count": "1"
                                "code": "601c600492d6d",
                                "name": "Dual Blinds 1",
                                "pro_count": "1"
                                "code": "5bd8e80b05390",
                                "name": "Vinyl",
                                "pro_count": "1"

Get Trader Calculations

POSTThis API call give calculations of spacific trader. Retrieves the calculation codes selected by a trader based on the provided customer ID.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be quotations Required
stringaction Value should be get_trader_calculations Required
objectdata Contains input parameters. Required
stringcustomer_id The ID of the customer for whom the calculations are retrieved. Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "quotations",
                action: "get_trader_calculations",
                data: {
                    customer_id: "69"
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This contain list of result data objects of the API call.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: {
                    status: "success",
                    message: "Trader Calculation Read",
                    data: null

Get Trader Calculation Names

POSTThis will provide list of calculation names for selected traderRetrieves the names of calculations selected by a trader based on the provided customer ID.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be quotations Required
stringaction Value should be get_calculation_names Required
objectdata Contains input parameters. Required
stringcustomer_id The ID of the customer for whom the calculation names are retrieved. Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "quotations",
                action: "get_trader_calculations",
                data: {
                    customer_id: "69"
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This contain list of result data objects of the API call.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: {
                    status: "success",
                    message: "Trader Calculation Names Read",
                    data: null

Sort Quote Items

POSTThis API call will upadte the sorting order of quote items. Updates the sorting order of quote items based on the provided parameters.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be quotations Required
stringaction Value should be sort_quote_items Required
objectdata Contains input parameters. Required
listsort_order The array containing the sorted order of quote item codes. Required
listrow_nos The array containing the row numbers of quote items. Required
stringcalc The calculation type. Required
stringcid The ID of the quotation. Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "quotations",
                action: "sort_quote_items",
                data: {
                    sort_order: [
                    row_nos: [
                    calc: "calc",
                    cid: "cid"
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This contain list of result data objects of the API call.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: [