This domain serves a endpoints to retrive notifications.
Get Notifications
POSTRetrieves notifications for a specific user based on user ID.
Request Paramters
string domain |
Value should be notifications |
Required |
string action |
Value should be get_notifications |
Required |
object data |
Contains input parameters. | Required |
int user_id |
The ID of the user to fetch notifications for. | Required |
Sample Request Body
domain: "notifications",
action: "get_notifications",
data: {
user_id: 69
Response Paramters
string status |
This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value. |
string message |
This explains the reson for status. |
object data |
This contain result data object of the API call. |
list data |
An list containing status and notifications data. |
string code |
Unique code identifying the notification. |
string sender |
Sender of the notification. |
string type |
Type of notification. |
string message |
Message content of the notification. |
string url |
URL associated with the notification. |
string n_date |
Date of the notification formatted as DD-MM-YYYY. |
string n_time |
Time of the notification formatted as HH:MM:SS. |
string color |
Hex color code associated with the notification. |
Sample Response
status: "success",
data: {
status: "success",
message: "Notifications Read",
data: [
code: "666016e3bdebe",
sender: "Test",
type: "job_ecd",
message: "ETA (6/5/2024) reminder of Quote# Q03240017 - Job# J0005",
url: "view-quote.php?customer_id=1&customer_no=C240001"e_id=31"e_no=Q03240017",
n_date: "05-06-2024",
n_time: "06:42:27",
color: "2980B9"