Empoweing blinds industry

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Business Details

This Domain Will server for requests regarding the Business

Read Business Details

POSTThis will give details if the business including information such as the business name, address, contact details, tax-related information, social media links, and other miscellaneous settings.

Request Paramters
stringdomain Value should be business Required
stringaction Value should be read Required
objectdata Empty Object Required
Sample Request Body
                domain: "business",
                action: "read",
                "data": {}
Response Paramters
stringstatus This indicate the status of the response. success is the expected value.
stringmessage This explains the reson for status.
listdata This list contains result data objects for the request query.
stringname The name of the business.
stringaddress_1 The first line of the business address.
stringaddress_2 The second line of the business address.
stringsuburb The suburb where the business is located.
stringpostcode The postal code of the business address.
stringcountry The country where the business is located.
stringaddress The full formatted address of the business.
stringemail The email address of the business.
stringweb The website URL of the business.
stringphone The phone number of the business.
stringmobile The mobile number of the business.
stringfax The fax number of the business.
stringabn The Australian Business Number of the business.
stringbsb_no The Bank State Branch number of the business.
stringtax_name The name of the tax applied to the business.
stringtax_percentage The percentage of the tax applied.
stringcurrency_code The currency code used by the business.
stringcurrency_sign The currency sign used by the business.
stringbank_account_name The name of the business's bank account.
stringbank_account_no The number of the business's bank account.
stringfb_link The Facebook page URL of the business.
stringtwitter_link The Twitter profile URL of the business.
stringemail_reply_cc The email address used for CC in replies.
stringdefault_appointment_wording The default wording for appointment notifications.
stringsend_appointment_sms Indicates whether SMS notifications for appointments are enabled.
stringsms_senders_mobile_no The mobile number used for sending SMS notifications.
stringmailchimp_status The status of Mailchimp integration.
stringmailchimp_api_key The API key for Mailchimp integration.
stringmailchimp_list_id The list ID for Mailchimp integration.
Sample Response
                status: "success",
                data: {
                    status: "success",
                    message: "Business Read",
                    data: {
                        name: "BlinQ Software",
                        address_1: "PO Box 152",
                        address_2: "Fawkner",
                        suburb: "Victoria",
                        postcode: "3060",
                        country: "Australia",
                        address: "PO Box 152, Fawkner, Victoria, 3060, Australia",
                        email: "support@blinq.com.au",
                        web: "www.blinq.com.au",
                        phone: "03 8844 4864",
                        mobile: "+61 3 8844 4864",
                        fax: "+61 3 8844 4864",
                        abn: "15 747 582 416",
                        bsb_no: "BSB No: 06 3237",
                        tax_name: "GST",
                        tax_percentage: "10",
                        currency_code: "AUD",
                        currency_sign: "$",
                        bank_account_name: "Account Name: New Multimedia Pty Ltd",
                        bank_account_no: "Account Number: 1035 1821",
                        fb_link: "https://www.facebook.com/",
                        twitter_link: "https://twitter.com/",
                        email_reply_cc: "accounts@blinq.com.au",
                        default_appointment_wording: "Appointment Scheduled on [date] between [from] to [to] at [location]",
                        send_appointment_sms: "On",
                        sms_senders_mobile_no: "BlinQ",
                        mailchimp_status: "off",
                        mailchimp_api_key: "01514e6ae5d9273b652b846979bc4b66-us7",
                        mailchimp_list_id: "dcd43f0f77"